We extend our heartfelt condolences to all the Muslims and truth se...

We extend our heartfelt condolences to all the Muslims and truth seekers around the world over the sad demise of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his household) and martyrdom of his elder grandson, Imam Hassan Mujtaba (peace be upon him).
پيامبر خدا صلى الله عليه و آله:
قالَ اللّهُ تعالى: حَقَّتْ مَحَبَّتي للمُتَحابِّينَ فِيَّ، و حَقَّتْ مَحَبَّتي للمُتَواصِلينَ فِيَّ.
میزان الحکمه، ج 2، ص 451 . Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his household): Allah be Exalted has said: My affection is for those who are friendly with each other because of me, and for who have communication with each other because of me.
Mizan al-Hikma, vol 2 - p 451

#prophetmuhammad #imamhasan

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